Re: Hendiadys revisited

From: Jay Adkins (
Date: Sat Jul 24 1999 - 07:29:04 EDT

Dear Joe A. Friberg:

Thank you for your most interesting comments, which I have copied so as to
look through in more detail latter. I did want to respond to one comment
you made;

"the Law of Moses and the prophets and Psalms TWi NOMWi MWUSEWS KAI TOIS
PROFHTAIS KAI YALMOIS Lk 24.44 ?does this become a simple list by extending
it this far and including so many particulars?"

While I am not qualified to answer the specific question, I can quote from
Bullinger, page 673;


Three words used, but one thing meant.

Though the Greeks did not name such a figure, it is clear that it is
employed in Scripture. For we sometimes find three nouns instead of two,
and in these cases there are two nouns exalted to the place of emphatic
adjectives, which are thus raised to equal importance with the subject

He then discusses 4 examples: Jer 4:2; Dan 3:7; Matt 6:13; John 14:6

Sola Gratia
         Jay Adkins

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