Re: ekklesia

From: Solomon Landers (
Date: Sun Jul 25 1999 - 06:32:35 EDT

Any variety of terms are possible, but if understanding is the desired effect, some
are more conducive to this than others. "Church," unfortunately, means in common
parlance a building where Christians meet, rather than the Christians who meet
there. EKKLESIA, of course, means "those called out;" however, called out for a
specific purpose or activity, as did the Hebrew term QAHAL. It would appear that
terms such as "gathered ones"/"gathering" or "congregated ones"/"congregation" or
"assembled ones"/"assembly" give a better sense of the first-century construct than
does the word "church."

Solomon Landers
Memra Institute for Biblical Research

Mitchell Gray wrote:

> Dear B-Greekers,
> How should the Greek word "ekklesia" be translated: Church or
> Congregation?
> Best
> Mitchell Gray
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