Re: Why do etymology at all?

From: George Blaisdell (
Date: Tue Jul 27 1999 - 12:13:45 EDT


>From: "David

>I LOVE etymology, but do bear in mind the caveats above [or try

Me too. Talk about an unbearable burden! That love [etymology] for most
list members is probably in the same obsessive category as love for booze is
to criminal defense lawyers. We really do need an inner armed guard! :-)

>One etymological gem [for me] is Judas' moneybag, or >GLWSSOKOMON,
>originally the wind player's tongue or reed bag.

Well, you know, in most parts of the world I have visited, a bag of money is
a very 'common tongue', holding musical reeds [coins] understood easily by
all, and thus will forever provide me with the etymological mnemonic for
this 'tongue-bag' of the truely 'overburdened' Judas. [My armed guard took a

>Doesn't tell you anything about the meaning in John 12:6, but it is a
>fascinating little tit-bit, all the same.

I had missed it, and I love it ~ Thank-you!

>However, when people say METANOEW **only** means to change your mind,
>where the problems in etymological study are evident!

Especially given the western mindset, where the understanding and the heart
are two separated items in our psychological thinking, in a way that simply
would be unthinkably foreign [imho] to the writers of the GNT.

George Blaisdell
Roslyn, WA

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