Re: Hebrews 2:10 DIA (repentance)

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Fri Jul 30 1999 - 08:35:25 EDT

<x-flowed>At 07:02 AM 7/30/99 -0400, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

>hAI DEUTERAI PWS FRONTIDES SOFWTERAI; so says Euripides. I've rethought a
>major part of what I submitted yesterday in response to Jonathan's
>question. While I still think that the antecedent of both relative pronouns
>in Heb 2:10 (DI' hON, DI' hOU) must be the same, I have to concede that the
>AUTON which is their antecedent must refer to God; that referent is clearly
>there in the phrase CARITI QEOU at the end of 2:9.

I've been reading and re-reading that passage, and I kept getting hung up
on that CARITI QEOU, which seemed to be the nearest antecedent and which
was making it hard for me to read it as you suggested yesterday. That said,
I should also say that I feel I learned a lot from your message yesterday,
and from reading the passage both ways.

>Moreover, it is
>impossible to understand (as I was trying to do speculatively yesterday
>morning) TELEIWSAI as intransitive in the sense of "come to fulfilment." It
>really must be transitive-active and causative and must have the sense that
>-0W denominative verbs normally do have: "cause to be x"--in this instance
>"cause to be TELEIOS". Although the verb TELEIOW does appear in the sense
>of "come to fulfilment," all instances of that sense that I have found
>involve a middle/reflexive form.

That's very helpful - after yesterday, it's nice to have some confirmation
that it should be read the one way and not the other, and at this point, I
need more than the antecedent to be completely sure!


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