Re: Gary Amirault/Spanish Greek Concordance

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Sat Jul 31 1999 - 19:27:30 EDT

Gary Amirault" < wrote

>I have a prisoner who wrote to me asking if there is something similar
>to Englishman's Greek Concordance in Spanish. This is not for translation
>purposes, but general Bible study. Any suggestions?

        There are literally dozens of dictionaries, lexica, concordances
and bilinguals for the study of the Bible (specially NT) in Spanish, and
some references could be of general interest for the list. What exactly you
are looking for? (I apologize: I don't know the Englishman's Greek
        P.D.: a prisoner?

Daniel Ria–o Rufilanchas
Madrid, Espa–a

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