Re: E-Mail in Greek

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Mon Aug 30 1999 - 07:05:28 EDT

<x-flowed>>From: "C. E. Core" <>

they had a section there about how to e-mail in greek
>characters using the following operating systems, any thoughts on this
>or is this a lost cause.

As someone who has to support a network full of computers using all the
operating systems listed I would not recomend changing approaches on the
list. There are invariably problems with these types of setups. If this is
used it should be in addition to the transliteration table in the b-greek
FAQ. As nice as it would be to see the correct characters, the frustration
of a nonsense display for some of us would be worse.

Thanks for the link, I don't have real audio on my system but the idea is a
good one.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh
Technology Director
Ketchum Advertising
(Little Greek)

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