From: Dennis Hukel (
Date: Tue Sep 07 1999 - 09:51:54 EDT

An associate suggested I run this past the b-greek group for constructive criticism. I have done a word study for the adjective AIDIOS (with a dieresis over the iota), concentrating my study in the LXX, Philo of Alexandria, Josephus, Apostolic Fathers, and the NT (only occurring in Rom. 1:20 and Jude 6). Almost every lexicon gives the equivalents "everlasting" or "eternal", but I propose its meaning more closely approached the idea of "ever-perceptible." This fits well in every context as evidenced in the attachment. And it explains the presence of the dieresis and the delta. However, there is a serious question concerning word-formation in that the roots AIW + WID would have contracted to AID at a time (Hesiod, about 700 BC) when either waw should have prevented contraction.

E.W. Bullinger proposed this identification of the rood ID in Appendix 151 of THE COMPANION BIBLE, but changed the established root AIW to A privative (suggesting "unseen" or "imperceptible"). I was hoping someone with experience in Greek lexicography could review the attachment and comment on my proposal.

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