Re: Fonts

From: John Baima (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 10:20:06 EDT

>I noticed that some companies use Unicode. This allows a user to
>Copy/Paste Greek as Unicode text. Would this allow us to send Greek fonts
>via email if it were embraced by all?
>What is the status on the development of a universal Greek Font set we
>can use in email?

There really are not many general software companies who have fully
embraced Unicode. Microsoft is the exception in that they support Unicode
fonts. That really is not the same as supporting Unicode because Unicode is
based on the idea of composite characters. To do Unicode Greek without
using composite characters, you need a Unicode 2 font. There are precious
few of those. So, if you want to have a list that requires it's members to
use all Microsoft software, you could pick a Unicode 2 font (I do not
believe that Microsoft has produced a Unicode 2 font yet) and do what you
suggest. It will be years before this list is ready for Unicode.

John Baima
Silver Mountain Software 1029 Tanglewood Dr, Cedar Hill TX 75104-3019
Fax 972 293-6641 Voice 972 293-2920

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