Re: The Bible I ended up with...

From: Benjamin Raymond (
Date: Wed Oct 20 1999 - 00:56:00 EDT

At 12:30 AM 10/20/99 +0000, Geoffrey Lessel wrote:
>First of all, know that these are POVs from a total newbie who knows
>literally nothing about variants or witnesses and such.Ê I liked the font
>in the USB4, I thought it was easier to distinguish the letters.Ê I liked
>to look at all the extra symbols and writing in the columns in the N/A
>edition, but decided that right now, those would just distract me and
>completely confuse me.Ê I liked the important-looking cover on the N/A
>edition where it's not English, but decided that trying to impress someone
>with the outside of my Bible is no reason to choose a Bible at all!...Ê I
>liked the fact that the USB4 had the lexicon (no matter how small, it is
>still easy to use for quick look-ups, and until I can afford a real
>lexicon, this will do).Ê So after quite a bit of time holding them, looking
>at them wishing I could read them, and flipping through them to see what
>extra stuff they might have, I walked out with a brand new USB4 Greek
>Bible.Ê I figured that if I got to be as good as you guys, I just might go
>back and buy the other one because it might have some useful information
>that I might want to know later on.Ê But for now, I am completely happy
>with mine...even though the cover is in English...

Wow, someone who actually likes the UBS4 font!! :-)

Glad you found one, Geoffrey.

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