Re: Paraclete

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Thu Nov 18 1999 - 08:24:06 EST

<x-flowed>>From: "Carl W. Conrad" <>
>The simple answer to Nigel's question is that English "paraclete" is
>standard anglicization of Latin PARACLETUS for Greek PARAKLHTOS. It's
>noteworthy that something is lost when the word "Paraclete" is used >thus,
>since it's not a proper name in the Johannine text but an epithet, which is
>why some modern translations prefer to convert it
>as "Advocate" or "Comforter," English words that do convey senses >that
>PARAKLHTOS actually
>had in Greek.

I concur. The Slavic Eastern Churches do translate the word rather than
transliterate. Thus we have "Comforter" or "Advocate" in our English
translations depending on the context of the prayer. This is a practice we
bring from the Old Church Slavonic editions.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh.

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