Re: Gender of TO PNEUMA

From: Blahoslav Číčel (
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 04:14:35 EST

Steven Craig Miller wrote:
> To: Blahoslav é’Źel,
> << Steve, I'm sorry of your reaction to the topic. It is full of disrespect
> to those, who have a different opinion than you have. >>
> First of all, I always sign my messages with all three of my names, the
> reason is because "Steve," and even "Steven Miller," is such a common name.
> I would appreciate if one is going to direct a comment to me that one would
> also use all three of my names at least once in the message (after that,
> one can refer to me as "Steve," "Miller," "SCM," or whatever). After all, I
> would hate for any other "Steve" to be blamed for what I have written.
> Surely you can see the wisdom in that, yes?

Thanks for help, you are right. I'll try to be more specific in addressing the
people (and not only on this list ;-) next time.

> Second, you claim that my message was "full of disrespect," surely this is
> an exaggeration. For in re-reading my message, I could find only one, or
> perhaps two statements at most, which could be misconstrued to imply
> disrespect. Or could it be that you consider anyone who expresses an
> opinion different from your own to be "full of disrespect"? But I assure
> you that I meant no disrespect, and I had tried to nuance and properly
> qualify all my statements.
 I apologise, if you feel that my conclusion ("full of disrespect") was not

> << Only when the author wanted to stress the very personal (in the
modern > sense of the word) side of TO PNEUMA, he uses masculine pronouns, all
the > other cases it has nothing to do with sex or personality, I guess. >>
> It is true that grammatical gender should not be confused with one's sex
> (by nature). But if you would look closely at the question asked, it did
> not ask why TO PNEUMA was neuter, but rather it asked why English
> translations translate a pronoun referring to TO PNEUMA as "he." My message
> was an attempt to answer that question, by presenting historical
> information which I hope helped one to understand why this has been done.

The aim of my mail was to help to understand the different appraches in
different languages to the use of gender, no more.

In the next mail Seteven C.M. wrote:
To: Blahoslav é’Źel,

><< Only when the author wanted to stress the very personal (in the modern
>sense of the word) side of TO PNEUMA, he uses masculine pronouns, all the
>other cases it has nothing to do with sex or personality, I guess. >>

>To my knowledge there is no clear unambiguous use of a masculine pronoun
>referring to TO PNEUMA in the NT. If you think otherwise, I would greatly
>appreciate learning at what passage you find this.

This is a true challenge. It will take some time to do the research. If anybody
knows some good reference (esp. on the web) which may be helpfull, I'll
appreciate it. I'll try to do the work. May be in a week...

With regards, love and thanks to all on the list,

pastor of The Church of brothers, Most, CZ

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