Re: 1 Corinthians 13:8 - Why does Paul use different verbs?

From: Joćo Alfredo Ferraz Barros (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 13:36:03 EST

On 11/23/99, ""Dwayne Riner" <>" wrote:
> I am writing an exegetical paper on 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and I noticed
that Paul uses KATARGHQHSONTAI for both PROFHTEIAI and GNWSIS. Yet, for
GLWSSAI he uses the verb PAUSONTAI. I was wondering if anyone has done
research concerning Paul's purpose in changing verbs.

Dwayne Riner

I believe that the difference is concern to the future life in the kingdom.
There we will not have necessity of PROFHTEIAI nor GNWSIS because He, the
lord, will be all. But, the GLWSSAI is one thing that we will have, see
Luke 16:24. The prophecy and the knowledge will be destroyed, but our
tongue will be preserved.
God bless you
Jo‹o Alfredo

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