Re: Etymology of AGAQOS

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Fri Nov 26 1999 - 06:27:26 EST

<x-flowed>>From: "Carl W. Conrad" <>
>I think I am pretty much inclined to agree with Clay on this. I find
>etymology fascinating but I think of it more as an intellectual game
>rather than a very serious scholarly pursuit.

I find that etymology is a wonderful window to how a culture has evolved
over the years. As such this is not so much an aid in translation as an aid
in seeing the experience of the culture over time in language. In a way,
the changing uses of words over time show how a culture connects concepts
and thinks.

In biblical languages I find this to be most interesting when applied to
words that were "taken over" by early christians to become theological
terms. But mostly, this is something I do for my native tongue as a window
to the past.

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Insructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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