re: howdy

From: Jim West (
Date: Wed Dec 01 1999 - 21:59:55 EST

At 10:54 AM 12/1/99 +1100, you wrote:
>Thank you for your rudeness.


I dont think you should take Carl's note as rudeness. That is not his
nature at all. Instead, you should see it merely as a request that the
thread be brought to a close.

>Was it necessary to rebuke me publicly
>as well as privately?

If Carl does like I do, he replies to notes on B-Greek and adds the name of
the list in the cc: field. Thus, when you are the reply-ee, you get the
list note and the indivdual reply.

>I'm sorry for expressing a point of view.

We are pleased to have your point of view. The thread had simply run its
course and Carl as the chief list moderator was doing his duty in closing it.

Best, and happy holidays,



Jim West, ThD

"This is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put." Winston Churchill

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