Re: LXX in LSJ

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 19:34:05 EST

<x-flowed>At 15:29 02/12/99 +0000, J.K. Aitken wrote:
>does anyone know
>of an easy way to find the LXX references in LSJ? I think it would be
>interesting to see how the LXX is often treated there, and am too lazy to
>work my way through the whole thing. There are of course the studies by
>Caird et al., but those are only small samples. I have lloked at Perseus
>but cannot work out a way of finding them there.

You're right about not being able to do it on the Perseus site, because
only the italicised Enlglish words used to define the Greek entires in the
big LSJ are indexed.
But it is still a great tool for entering an English term and finding all
the Greek equivalents.

But the electronic edition of the 'middle' L & S --- which is included as
part of John Baima's "Bible Windows" and is also available as a Logos
add-on does allow one to search for "LXX" ( as well as for Greek words ).
This is the Folio Corp. version.


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

[ subscribed to MSN Messenger ]

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