Paper on AGAPAW and FILEW in John 21 (John 21 doc)

From: Randy Leedy (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 09:23:06 EST

No, this message is not intended to revive a topic that has been
discussed at length on B-Greek many, many times.

I have, however, written a paper attempting to support the thesis
that John does intend a distinction between these two words, in which
AGAPAW signifies a self-sacrificing commitment to another's welfare
and FILEW signifies an affection grounded in personal relationship.
The paper is about 15 pages long and is a little different from
anything I have ever read on the question up to this point. It is a
pre-publication draft of an article scheduled to appear in this
Spring's BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT, which is the journal of BJU's School of

I'm writing the list because I know a number of members are
interested in this topic, and both sides of the question of free
variation vs. distinctive meanings are represented here. If anyone
cares to read or critique the paper, I'm sure I'd profit from your
response. A few other notes and caveats come with the paper, so I
won't trouble the whole list with them here.

The only format in which I currently have the paper available is Word
97. The Greek font (SIL Galatia) is embedded. You may get the paper by
emailing me with the expression "John 21 doc" in the SUBJECT field
(note that I've already supplied that expression in this message, so
one may simply use his "reply" key). An auto-reply will be generated,
and I will greatly appreciate your taking advantage of that

At this point I see no need for a new B-Greek thread, though
something may develop if the paper is read very widely and the
responses seem appropriate for list activity. At any rate, let's not
get this topic going again without demonstrating to the chairpersons
that there is something here new enough or significant enough to
warrant their approval of it.


Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University

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