Re: Advent insight for PAROUSIA?

From: George F. Somsel (
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 13:34:43 EST

You might try the Perseus web site. Here is the BGreek version of
Aechylus' _Libation Bearers_ line 668-73

ce/noi, le/goit' a)\n ei)/ ti dei=: pa/resti ga\r
 o(poi=a/ per do/moisi toi=sd' e)peiko/ta,
 670 kai\ qerma\ loutra\ kai\ po/nwn qelkthri/a
 strwmnh/, dikai/wn t' o)mma/twn parousi/a.
 ei) d' a)/llo pra=cai dei= ti bouliw/teron,
 a)ndrw=n to/d' e)sti\n e)/rgon, oi(=s koinw/somen

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