RE: "Why Study Greek?"

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Dec 14 1999 - 11:52:49 EST

This is no less than heavenly music to one who has spent a lot of his
lifetime teaching Greek. I can't think of a list of outcomes I could
imagine ever hoping for more than these. And while I thought seriously
about sending this comment to Karen off-list, I just HAVE to say that it's
the answer to the question, "Why Study Greek?" that I've always wanted to

At 11:23 AM -0500 12/14/99, KAREN PITTS wrote:
>Since I learned Greek through a class at church, let me talk about why I
>keep it up (I started in late 1991).
>1. I love the language. I did not anticipate this when I started it.
>2. I do get nuances out of the text that I don't get in English.
>3. Reading from the Greek slows me down and makes me think. Probably
>reading from any other than a very familiar language would work. One of my
>friends that reads Greek with me also reads her Bible in French and German.
>4. I now know enough to recognize faulty arguments made by other speakers.
>5. I find reading from the Greek more moving. I was gripped by reading
>the Passion passages in the Gospels, something I don't think I get from
>reading English.
>6. I am a resource for the Bible study I am in. I don't answer a question
>every week, but there's an interpretation question I can answer, or get the
>answers to, with some frequency. Sometimes its a simple as whether "you"
>is in singular or plural.
>I keep my skills up with B-Greek, teaching (although I'm not currently
>teaching a class, I have for most of the last seven years), and reading
>regularly with other graduates from our original class.
>I'd have a plan in place for keeping the skills up before you start. There
>have been very high attrician rates. My class started out at 25 and I
>think about 6 finished the equivalent of one semester. The next class
>started with about 12-15, with two completing, although both of them are
>keeping it up.
>Anyway, good luck and God bless.
>Karen Pitts
>Sarnoff Corporation
>Princeton, NJ 08543-5300
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Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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