RE: Philippians 4:3-4 hWN TA ONOMATA EN BIBLW ZWHS

From: Stevens, Charles C (
Date: Thu Dec 16 1999 - 18:27:26 EST

<x-charset iso-8859-1>On 16 December 1999 at 3:16PM, Carl W. Conrad commented:

<<This is not just the Greek of the NT but Greek of all periods,
in proverbs or cliché phrases such as SKHNH PAS hO BIOS ("all life is a
stage") or Callimachus' dictum MEGA BIBLION MEGA KAKON ("a long book-poem is
a huge pain-in-the-neck"); Paul does it frequently, e.g., AGAPH
ANUPOKRITOS: "love (should be) not-play-acting" (somewhere in Romans 14).>>

The one I always remember is 2 Tim 3:16, where it has always seemed to me an
explicit verb would have resolved some ambiguities in the sequence! Is
QEOPNEUSTOS a characterization or a qualification of PASA GRAFH?

        -Chuck Stevens

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