Re: Blayney Revision of KJV

Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 11:50:32 EST


Ted Mann inquired: --->>>>>>>>>>>

I understand that most of the KJVs published today are derived from
Blayney's 1769 revision. How can one know if this is true of a given
publication? Are there clues in the text itself, or does one have to
contact the publishing company that produced it, and ask them? Is it
possible to pick up a modern publication of the KJV, examine it, and say:
"Oh yes, this the Blayney revision."? If so, how? Many thanks.


Dr. Theodore "Ted" Mann

Here is a quick test:

Look up Gen. 27:14 and 1 Kings 7:13--
        --if the verb is "fetched", it is Blayney-edited.
        --if the verb is "fet", it is pre-Blayney.

Look up Exod. 3:2 and Deut. 4:11--
        --if the verb is "burned", it is Blayney-edited.
        --if the verb is "burnt", it is pre-Blayney.

Look up Deut. 32:41--
        --if the participle is "glittering", it is Blayney-edited.
        --if the participle is "glistering", it is pre-Blayney.
        (Disregard 1 Chron. 29:2--Blayney missed this one.)

I doubt that it will be easy to find a pre-Blayney KJV, except as a
specially-printed, edition-for-collectors-and-scholars, Bible.

Edward Hobbs

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