Re: Hades, Tartarus, Gehenna all rendered "hell"--Loyal translation?

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Thu Dec 30 1999 - 12:00:08 EST

<x-flowed>To: Juan Stam,

<< Much of our image of "Hell" (Span infierno) is heavily tainted by pagan
mythology, via medieval elaborations. I try to avoid using the terms "hell"
or "infierno" and surprise people by using the more flexible, imaginative
biblical terms. >>

I've reached the same conclusion but for a perhaps slightly different
reason. IMO our images of "Hell" are generally heavily tainted by Christian
mythology, via medieval elaborations. Because of that I prefer using the
(pre-Christian) biblical terms.

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
Disclaimer: "I'm just a simple house-husband (with no post-grad degree),
what do I know?"

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