Re: Subject: James 5:13-19

Date: Mon Jan 03 2000 - 12:40:30 EST

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 15:19:20 +0100 "Mark Markham" <>
> Subject: James 5:13-19
> Dear all,
> I am having a mixed reaction concerning the use of several words and
> the context of this passage. Please put aside the theological
> implications here without much bias help me see what the Greek says.
> Sickness. Is it physical or spiritual emotional. I have seen the
> word used both ways.
> Healing: ditto but not so closely divided.
> Anoint. There appears to be two words use to describe anointing in
> the NT. What is the dif? Is it significant?
> My gut reaction is James is talking about physical mistreatment and
> perhaps spiritual defeat akin to weariness or depression ( i.e.
> sin). This seems to be the scope of the healing that involves the
> elders, oil, prayer, and confession. I know that is not very
> mystical but Is this a straight forward understanding of the text?

The contrast between ASQENEI (v. 14) and KAN hAMARTIAS Hi PEPOIHKWS
AFEQHSETAI AUTWi (V. 15) seems to suggest a physical illness not
caused by the sin of the individual.

What I find interesting is hH EUCH THS PISTEWS. What does this mean?
is the significance of the definite article?

Does the definite article refer us back to the faithful instructions
followed in the
preceding verse? That would seem to poise some problems. Or, better,
the article refer us back to the faith taught in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy
come, Thy will be done," and practiced by Christ Himself in the Garden,
not My will, but Thine be done," the idea being that such prayer, if it
is God's will,
will indeed be answered and the sick healed?

Paul Dixon

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