Re: PTOCOI PNEUMATI (was re: Heb 13:5)

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 12:01:21 EST

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"Jeffrey B. Gibson" wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I note that what you'll find there from me is an
argument, based upon the usage
<br>of phrases identical with or approximating the Matthean phrase,&nbsp;
<br>has a titular sense roughly if not exactly&nbsp; equivalent to "we,
the elect, the faithful
<br>remnant, those who in times of persecution remain loyal to the covenant"
and has
<br>little to do with economic status, let alone any kind of&nbsp; "spiritual"
Please note that there is an ellipsis in what I wrote above. What I meant
to write was:
<p>I note that what you'll find there from me is an argument, based upon
the usage
<br>of phrases in the <b><i><u>Dead Sea Scrolls&nbsp;</u></i></b> identical
with or approximating the Matthean phrase,&nbsp; PTOCOI PNEUMATI has a
titular sense roughly if not exactly&nbsp; equivalent to "we, the elect,
the faithful remnant, those who in times of persecution remain loyal to
the covenant" and has little to do with economic status, let alone any
kind of&nbsp; "spiritual" impoverishment.
<p>I also meant to draw attention to the fact that there is an interesting
discussion of the sense of the term from the perspective of Honour/Shame
in Jerome Neyrey's _Honor and Shame in the Gospel of Matthew_ which argues
that the poor spoken of in Matthew are the recently dispossessed -- ie,
those who have, through wilful exploitation and machinations on the part
of the powerful, have been deprived of their rightful property. This seems
to me, however, given the parallels to PTOCOI <i>PNEUMATI</i> in the DSS,
to be more consonant with Luke than with Matthew.
<br>Jeffrey B. Gibson
<br>7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
<br>Chicago, Illinois 60626


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