From: Joe A. Friberg (
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 16:15:26 EST

Interesting contrast.

1. PARAITEOMAI appears to be a verb with reciprocal usage: referring to both
sides of the situational context in which begging takes place: both to the
actions of the one begging and to the actions of the one who is begged from.
The actions of refusal on the part of the latter precipitate the actions of
begging on the part of the former.
2. Note that we have similar two-sided meaning of 'beg' in English. Cf. the
following dictionary entry, esp. entries #3, 7, 8, 9:

beg (beg) v., begged, beg.ging - v.t.1. to ask for as a gift, as
charity, or as a favor: to beg alms; to beg forgiveness. 2. to ask (someone)
to give or do something; implore: He begged me for help. 3. to avoid; evade:
a report that begs the whole problem. - v.i.4. to ask alms or charity; live
by asking alms. 5. to ask humbly or earnestly. 6. (of a dog) to sit up, as
trained, in a posture of entreaty. 7. beg off, to request release from an
obligation. 8. beg the question, to assume the truth of the very point
raised in a question. 9. go begging, to remain unclaimed, unused, or
unpurchased. [bef. 900; ME beggen, by assimilation from OE *bedican, alter.
of bedecian to beg; cf. Go bidagwa beggar (akin to BEAD)]

As to translation, I suppose v25 could be worded something like 'See that
you do not beg his warning...', but I do not see that the author of Hebrews
was trying to make that connection between these verses, so I do not see the
need to try to connect them in translation.

God Bless!
Joe A. Friberg

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dmitriy Reznik" <>
To: "Biblical Greek" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2000 11:00 AM
Subject: PARAITEOMAI in Heb 12

> Dear friends,
> The word PARAITEOMAI can be found in Heb 12 vss. 19 and 25 (twice). Could
> you answer me if it is possible to translate it with same English word in
> all of these passages? Same word in same chapter seems to speak about same
> subject. But it is usually translating in v.19 as "beg" and in v.25 as
> "refuse". Is it accurate to translate it in this way?
> Thank you
> Dmitriy Reznik

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