Inquiry concerning biblical language distance learning programs

From: Carl Marcinik (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2000 - 02:33:02 EST

   I am a bible college student who is transitioning to "full-time"
ministry. I have taken some introductory biblical language courses but
would like to continue to progress in this pursuit despite the challenges
and demands of a "full-time" ministry schedule. Is anyone aware of any
distance learning programs that seriously focus on biblical languages
that also can lead to a Masters degree (e.g., with a biblical languages
emphasis) or equivalent. I am anticipating that because of my ministry
schedule and family commitments (not to mention my location), it would
be quite difficult (if not impossible) for me to go the more traditional
route. It also seems that with the current tools and helps available this
approach could be made very feasible. However, I am not sure what, if
anything, is currently available. Any help would be sincerely appreciated.


Carl Marcinik

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