Re: "In the beginning was the word" (Jn 1:1a) <LYR324-39855-2000.02.22-21.24...

From: Wayne Leman (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 00:23:51 EST

>wrote the 4th gospel) wasn't primarily a philospher. True, none of us can
>help dabbling in philosophy to a greater or lesser extent since we must
>some conception of what this world is all about, but this isn't a
>philosophical text.

But the Prologue to John's Gospel actually is very philosophical. Read more
about it in the reference materials, such as Kittel, BAGD, etc. LOGOS was a
very important term in Greek philosophy. Someone clearly was trying to send
some kind of, uh, ... message, when they used LOGOS in the Prologue instead
of some other more "Christianized" term.


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