Re: Mark 14:12-26

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 07:11:03 EST

<x-flowed>>From: "Tom Conry" <>
>I'm writing a paper on Mark 14:12-26 for a seminar here, and I'm having a
>tougher time than usual. The purpose of the paper is to examine the
>passage for signs of ritual.

Thank you for sharing your translation and sense division of the text.
Overall I do like what you have done.

   And on the first day of the unleavened(s) (bread),
   when they sacrificed the pasch,

I especially like the use of Pasch in the translation. We do the same for
all liturgical texts refering to the sacrificial lamb in the Orthodox
tradition. We also capitalize this as a proper title for Jesus and
transliterate to English as you have done. I do think this helps to
highlight the ritual aspect of this for English readers where lamb would
not, with appropriate foot notes.

   his students/disciples/comrades said to him:
   where do you wish us to go (we, departing) and prepare
   in order that you eat the pasch?

Given the context here I personally like disciples.

   And he will show to you a great upstairs-room,
   furnished (spread out) and ready.

I think spread out carries a little bit of poetic image to the scene. I
like it.

You may be interested in the discussion on the origins of Liturgy, Chapter
2, in Alexander Schememann's "Introduction to Liturgical Theology" St.
Vladimir's Seminary Press. He outlines the various positions regarding
early church practice.

Thanks for sharing your work.

(Full Translation reproduced below)

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

   Mark 14:12-26

   And on the first day of the unleavened(s) (bread),
   when they sacrificed the pasch,
   his students/disciples/comrades said to him:
   where do you wish us to go (we, departing) and prepare
   in order that you eat the pasch?

   And he sends two of his students/disciples/comrades
   and he says to them:
   make your way into the city
   and someone will meet you
   carrying an earthen water jar.
   Follow him.

   And wherever he enters,
   say to the house-boss
   that the teacher says:
   where is my guest-room
   where I may eat the pasch with the students/disciples/comrades?

   And he will show to you a great upstairs-room,
   furnished (spread out) and ready.
   And there make preparations for us.

   ÐAnd the students/disciples/comrades went out
   and came into the city
   and found [the situation] just as he said to them
   and they prepared the pasch.

   And when it became evening
   he came with the twelve.

   And while they were reclining and eating,
   Jesus said: on my word of word of honor I'm telling you,
   that one of you will hand me over,
   someone eating with me.

   They began to be sorrowful
   and to say to him one by one:
   (it's) not me, is it?

   But he said to them:
   (it's) one of the twelve,
   the one dipping with me into the bowl.

   Because the son of man goes
   just as it stands written about him,
   but damned/shameless is (to) that man
   through whom the son of man is being handed over:
   better (good) for him if that man had not been born (been begotten).

   And while they were eating, taking bread,
   blessing (it),
   he broke (it) and gave to them
   and said: take, this is my body.

   and taking a cup, having given thanks,
   he gave (it) to them,
   and all of them drank out of it.

   And he said to them:
   this is my blood of the covenant,
   poured out for the sake of many.

   On my word of honor I say to you
   that I will definitely never drink from what comes from the vine
   until that day
   when I drink it anew
   in G-d's imperial rule.

   And singing hymns they went
   to the Mount of Olives.

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