Re: Occidental recension of Luke's Gospel

From: Jim West (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 07:27:18 EDT

At 12:19 PM 4/19/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello, I'm Samuel Sais.
>I'm working on the Gospel of Luke in its occidental recension (ms. D =
Beza). And I'm trying to gather some bibliography on it: Translations in
different languages (no matter which they are), articles, books, internet
addresses, etc. But I'm having trouble in doing it, so I wonder if any of
you could help me giving me some information about this question.
>Thank you very much

Contact Etienne Nodet at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. He is very
interested in the Western Text of Acts and will know the resources you are
looking for.

His email is



Jim West, ThD

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