Re: Luke 24.37

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 15:55:07 EDT

Without commenting on other items in Clay's communication here (except to
mention that I've purchased the Levinsohn on his recommendation and intend
to attack it first when I finish this semester's work a week or so hence),
I'd like to zero in on one point:

At 11:25 AM -0700 4/25/00, clayton stirling bartholomew wrote:
>So what is the point of all this? Don't take the divisions in your GNT too
>seriously. The reasons for breaking the text at certain places in the GNT
>have a lot to do with the history of synoptic research** in the last several
>hundred years.

(a) I would have to see the proof to take this proposition seriously with
regard to verse-divisions in the GNT in general--on the surface it
certainly strikes me as a highly dubious proposition, BUT

(b) Absolutely valid is Clay's admonition: "Don't take the divisions in
your GNT too seriously." Divisions of chapter and verse seem quite often to
be very arbitrary (I have at times suspected that the real factor for
chapters may have been the size of a block on a papyrus roll and (less
likely, of course) for verses the length of space between the left and
right margins of a block on a papyrus roll. In fact, I rather think the
only textual divisions in the GNT to be taken altogether seriously or the
divisions between books.


Carl W. Conrad Department of Classics/Washington University One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018 Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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