Greek software

Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 13:05:53 EDT

I would like to find software that will allow me to create quizzes for NT
Greek vocabulary. I want to create random lists of words for various
frequencies that I choose. I have Teknia, Greek Tutor by Parsons, and
Memcards. I don't think any of them will allow me to do this. Any
suggestions appreciated.

Stephen Pegler
PhD Student New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Bannockburn, IL

Family Genealogy:
Pegler, Crawford, Grant, Oard, Heath, Murchison, Doughty, Edwards, Hinton,
Brinkworth, Merrill, Brewster
Tapp Pankhurst Haywood Foster in SSX, England
Romero, Martinez, Atencio, Sandoval - Hispanics in New Mexico

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