Re: 1 John

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Sun Apr 30 2000 - 12:03:26 EDT

on 04/30/00 6:54 AM, Brian Sullivan wrote:

> My question is: what Greek issues in this bible book fascinate you as
> fellow b-Greekers?


The simplicity of 1 John is only at the phrase and clause levels of
analysis. When you start to analyze the higher level structures you will
find that this book is somewhat of a challenge. If I were going to study
this book my goal would be to try and understand the high level semantic and
pragmatic organization of the book. This task will involve some reading of
theory beyond the traditional texts used in seminary level NT Greek.

There is a tendency when one is fairly new to NT Greek to stay buried
forever in the details of low-level analysis (morphology, clause level
syntax, lexical analysis, etc.). I would suggest that you do the low level
analysis, which is certainly necessary, but not stop there. If you stop
there you really will not understand the book of 1 John or any other book
for that matter.

Good reading, 1 John is a great text.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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