Re: Basic discourse analysis

From: Wayne Leman (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 16:10:45 EDT

Keven, also get the following two from SIL, publications section of their

Discourse Features of New Testament Greek (2nd edition, 2000; do not get the
1992 version), by Stephen Levinsohn

Discourse Function of Conjoiners In the Pastoral Epistles, by Jakob K.

Levinsohn should give you the introductory overview that you need when
starting DA studies. The books below are collections of essays by different
authors, and they would be more advanced, useful for specific areas of DA
after you have done the introductory study.

Bible translation discussion list:


I need to acquire a reasonable working knowledge of NT Greek discourse
analysis as quickly as possible, with special relevance to the Pauline
epistles (I'm actually working on Titus); where should I begin?

I currently have this:
    Black, D. A. (ed.). 1992. Linguistics and New Testament interpretation:
Essays on discourse analysis. Broadman Press.

I also have the following on the way:
    Porter, S. E. and Carson, D. A. (eds.). 1997. (I can't remember the
title, but its contains essays on D-A.)

Are these good? Are there better sources with which I should begin?

Kevin Smith
South Africa

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