Re: Bible Windows - mostly off topic

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Sun May 14 2000 - 21:39:11 EDT

<x-flowed>The risk is invalidating. Surely, a vast majority of the tags would
be HIGHLY debatable. The solution is to find arbitrary theory that
standardizes the ambiguity, correct? Which will, of course, work
against the goal. The work would necessarily fall under more
criticism than praise.

Yet surely some texts have been tagged using a functional approach to
grammar. Say, one book. Is there a tagged text, in book or
electronic form, available for examination?


>Building a database according to a model which is likely to be defunct
>before you get the database finished is a problem which is always raised
+ Rev. Joseph A. Weaks
+ Pastor, Bethany Christian Church, Dallas
+ Ph.D. Student in Biblical Studies, Brite Divinity
+ Minister of the Word

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