The object of CARIS

From: B.J. Williamson (
Date: Tue May 23 2000 - 14:23:06 EDT

<x-flowed>This question is directed toward those who have
an interest in etymology...

I wonder if someone might shed some light on
the development of CARIS as it relates
to the objects or recipients.

I'm not exactly sure how to phrase my question,
but in my studies I have found that CARIS
refers to the disposition of the subject (the one
extending grace), rather than the condition
of the object (the one receiving grace).

Can anyone help me understand to what extent the use
of CARIS implies something about the
condition of the recipient? It almost seems universally
accepted that the recipients of CARIS are underserving
or unworthy of it.

I feel comfortable stating that originally CARIS
only described the disposition of the subject.
Somewhere in the development of this word, it seems
that the recipient's condition was added.

Dr. Wallace offered this comment regarding CARIS as it relates to the
recipient's unworthy condition:

"Perhaps the cognate, charizomai, sheds some light here, for it normally has
the force of 'forgive.'"

My search continues primarily because I do not yet see the
connection between "forgiveness" and "undeserving." (For example,
as a parent, I forgive my children often, but by this act I am
not implying that they are unworthy of it.)


B. J. Williamson

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