[b-greek] Re: Reading Greek, other than biblical.

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 10:25:29 EDT

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<div>At 2:58 PM +0100 8/21/00, Maurice A. O'Sullivan wrote:</div>
<div>&gt;On the IOUDAIOS-L list, Jane Harper recently posed this question:<br>
&gt; &gt;&gt;<br>
&gt;I am, as they say over on B-Greek, a Little Greek, and what I have I<br>
&gt;don't want to lose, but I'd rather work on something other than the<br>
&gt;Greek NT.&nbsp; My two candidates at this point are Philo's &quot;Questions on<br>
&gt;Genesis&quot; and Josephus' Antiquities.&nbsp; Which, in your opinion, would be a<br>
&gt;better choice?<br>
&gt;This produced quite a number of interesting, and knowledgeable, replies.<br>
&gt;If Jane is currently reading this list, perhaps she could summarise these<br>
&gt;for us?<br>
&gt;otherwise, the archives are available at:<br>
&gt;Start on Aug 19 with the &quot;thread&quot;&nbsp; Re: Strange Question,<br>
&gt;Unfortunately, it then switches to &quot; Reading Philo or Josephus?&quot; and yet</div>
<div>&gt;again changes to: &quot; Reading Jewish- Hellenistic Greek &quot;</div>
<div>Interesting indeed, particularly Jim West's comment &quot;<font color="#000000">(who, btw, [says Steve Mason} never stirs up apathy)&quot; to the effect that &quot;Josephus is more interesting and Philo will only give you a
headache.&quot; Josephus is certainly easier to read, as narrative is generally easier than exposition or discussion. I'll agree too that Philo &quot;will give you a headache,&quot; but I think the effort to read Philo is well repaid. As
for what's interesting, chacun à son goût: I found the treatise on the creation narratives (De Opificio Mundi) fascinating for what it shows of Hellenistic Jewish interpretation of those first three chapters of Genesis.</font></div>
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<div>-- <br>
Carl W. Conrad<br>
Department of Classics/Washington University<br>
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018<br>
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649<br>
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu </div>

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