[b-greek] New source for NT/Greek dissertations

From: Rodney J. Decker (rdecker@bbc.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 10:35:15 EDT

<x-flowed>Just heard of <www.contentville.com> where you can search and order copies
of masters and doctoral theses. It's related to UMI, but the search
features goes beyond what UMI has offered in the past (though I've not
rechecked lately). A search on "new testament" turns up 500 titles; "new
testament greek" results in 13. There are some classics available, e.g.,
Lane McGaughy's work on EINAI, etc. Dates in the search lists go back to
the beginning of the century (1915, e.g.). It's worth checking out. Prices
aren't "bargains"--but nothing from UMI has ever been. $30 unbound, $57
paperbound. But for those research projects when nothing else will do...

Rodney J. Decker, Th.D. Baptist Bible Seminary
Assoc. Prof./NT PO Box 800, Clarks Summit, PA 18411
rdecker@bbc.edu http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/
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