[b-greek] Re: The translation of the aorist participle POIHSAS in Gal 3: 12

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 09:37:59 EST

At 7:55 PM -0500 12/5/00, Moon-Ryul Jung wrote:
>In recent discussions on Gal 3:12, Carl translated
>hO POIHSAS AUTA in Gal 3:12 as
>the one who gets them performed" to emphasize the completion of the
>action involved. To use terms found in the book by
>Brooks and Winbery, he takes
>the aorist as "culminative aorist". But I would like to take
>it as "constative gnomic aorist", because it is a translation of
>the Hebrew text:
>(Lev 18:5)
>in-them then lives-he the-man them does which
>(Which if man does he will live in them)
>Here YAASEH (does) is in imperfective. The imperfective situation is
>expressed by the aorist participial clause hO POIHSAS AUTA in Gal 3:12.
>Since YAASEH OTAM does not emphasize the completion of the action,
>its counterpart hO POIHSAS AUTA wouldn't.
>So I would think that translating hO POIHAS AUTA
>into "the one who gets them performed" seems reading too much into the
>What do you think, Carl?

While I did myself make a stabbing guess about what the Hebrew original
behind the LXX text might have been and I think it is worth knowing and may
often be a guide to understanding how a Greek expression that seems obscure
in the LXX may have been meant by the LXX translator--all that
notwithstanding, I would suspect that a Greek text takes on a literary and
interpretive life of its own and leaves the Hebrew original behind. One of
the most notable instances of this is the translation of Hebrew ALMAH into
Greek PARQENOS, but another significant one is the Pauline understanding of
the grammar of Hab 2.4 in Rom 1:17 and Gal 3:11.

For that reason I'm still inclined to think that hO POIHSAS AUTA in Gal
3:12--quite regardless of how the LXX translator may have understood it--is
probably understood by Paul with the participle having a perfective sense,
"the one who gets them done." I've taken note of the more recently
developing thread on the "Translation of the Aorist," and in particular of
Kimmo Huovila's post which appeared this morning on our side of the water.


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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