[b-greek] Re: Principal Parts

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (mauros@iol.ie)
Date: Sat Dec 09 2000 - 08:12:08 EST

At 22:31 08/12/00, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

>Rod Decker has a list of principal parts in a PDF file at his web site but
>when I tried to open it I found it did not have the embedded Greek font.

As this file [ available at:
http://faculty.bbc.edu/rdecker/documents/prin_prts.pdf ] is s .pdf file,
there is no question of "embedded fonts" or " dynamic fonts" as some
browsers refer to them. A .pdf file is actually a graphic file -- hence one
cannot do a search on the text. [ However, I see that the latest version of
the Adobe Acrobat reader v. does have a "search" item on the menu --- but
this relies on the compiler of the file to have included an index within
the .pdf file. ]

Another great advance with version 4.05 of Adobe ( for Windows at least )
is this:

>>accessible to the blind and vision impaired. Please see
http://access.adobe.com to download or for more information.>>

Rod Decker's file is nicely laid out -- ironically the parts, in a "normal"
font are actually marginally clearer than the 'present' which is in "bold".


Maurice A. O'Sullivan [ Bray, Ireland ]

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