[b-greek] Re: Modern Greek/Shakespeare

From: One of the McKays (musicke@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 21:35:15 EST

Wherefore art thou, Romeo? can only be misinterpreted if we ignore the
context. Isn't this in the bit about a rose by any other name, etc? I freely
admit that I did not connect it with the context either, until Edward pulled
me up!

I find Shakespeare much harder to understand than the KJV, but I was brought
up on the KJV.

Another misinterpreted bit from Willy Waggledagger:
Polonius' speech [or is it Polonious?]

When he goes on with "Neither a borrower nor a lender ..." people often
quote what he had to say. But isn't the context a long, boring speech which
is meant to make us yawn?
David McKay

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