[b-greek] Re: IDIOMS

From: Patrick Narkinsky (patrick@extremehope.org)
Date: Sat Dec 23 2000 - 11:48:52 EST

Wayne Leman wrote:

> Because of this lack, I have tried to start compiling a list of my own. It
> appears at URL:
> http://www.geocities.com/bible_translation/ntidioms.htm
> All the stated hedges re: whether or not a form is a true linguistic idiom,
> some other figure of speech, etc. are genuine.

One question that immediately jumps to mind is this: what standards are
used for determining that something is an idiom? And, once that is
determined, how do we accurately determine the meaning? One of the
characteristics of idioms is that they are well known. In this list,
are the idioms included because they were well known idioms of the Greek
of the period, found in the New Testament and elsewhere, or are they
defined by context?

It seems that the process of correctly defining idioms could easily
become intensely subjective. How can we accurately discern the
difference between the two?

Sorry if these are stupid questions -- I'm just learning. :)


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