[b-greek] Re: rejected messages

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 19:38:18 EST

At 4:08 PM -0700 1/9/01, Wayne Leman wrote:
>Yes, Steve. It has happened to all 3 of my recent messages also. I have
>notified Carl and I'm sure the techies will work on the problem ASAP.
>Wayne Leman

>> Hi all
>> I have been getting a ton of rejected messages, even though the message
>> actually made it to the list (in some cases a few days ago). Is anyone
>> experiencing this problem?
>> Steve Lo Vullo,
>> Madison, WI

I've had one of those myself, but in my case too the message DID make it to
the list (the one I was told had been rejected). I think the server is just
a little bit sick; occasionally it acts like it had something bad for


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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