[b-greek] Re: OU...hUPO NOMON ALLA hUPO CARIN ( Rom 6:14)

From: Moon-Ryul Jung (moon@saint.soongsil.ac.kr)
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 07:47:27 EST

Dear Virgil,
thanks for your response to my post.
I would like to stick to the grammatical issue I raised.

      I want to paraphrase Rom 6:141-15 as follows:
> 14(a) Sin will not be the master of you.
> 15(b) It is because you are not under the Law, i.e.
> not under the obligation to keep the Law
> as a Law-people,
> but you are under grace [which motivates you not
> to sin].
> 15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the obligation
> to keep the Law as a Law-people,
> but under grace?
> The point of this paraphrase is that the point of Rom 6:14b is
> not so much "you are not under the Law" as "you are under Grace".
> In this paraphrase, the fact that "you are not under the Law"
> has nothing to do with the declaration "sin will not be the master
> of you", but the fact that "you are under grace" has.

Can we reject this paragraph based on on the grammar of Rom 6.14b?
This is my question.

The usual reading of Rom 6:14 is that
sin's dominion over us has to do with our being under the Law.
This reading is obtained by reading "
sin will not be the master of you, because you are not under the Law".
(omitting the part "but under grace")

From it, we can state:
(a) if you are not under the Law, sin will not be the master of you.

From (a), many derive (b):

(b) if you are under the Law, sin will be the master of you.

It does not hold, in fact. This is a logical fallacy.

In fact, what we have is:

(c) If you are not under the Law but under grace, sin will not be
    the master of you.

My contention is that here "under the Law" and "under grace" may not be
exclusive of each other. I would like to take "not under the Law but under
grace" to mean that "under grace" overlaps "not under the Law". Of
it is also possible for "under grace" to overlap "under the Law", unless
we start from the premise that if "under the Law" then "not under grace".

Now my question is: is this interpretation against the grammar or the

Moon-Ryul Jung
Associate Professor
Sogang Univ, Seoul, Korea

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