[b-greek] Re: final sigma

From: Mike Sangrey (msangrey@BlueFeltHat.org)
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 09:02:08 EDT

"Craig Jackson" <dittydog101@yahoo.com> asked:
> Why does Greek have a final sigma? Is there another reason besides
> just identifying it as the last letter?


Final sigma occurs 27128 times in the GNT. Final nu is the only letter
to occur more often. So, and this is a total guess, it may have been a
convenient letter to choose so as to separate words. Recall the lack of
space in the writings of the time.

Here is the list of final letter counts. Enjoy.

      2 G
      2 Z
      4 Y
     34 B
    102 D
    113 C
    123 Q
    170 F
    253 M
    258 T
    295 P
    321 X
    338 L
   1538 K
   1675 R
   5824 W
   6590 H
   7079 O
   7120 E
   9714 A
  10190 U
  24045 I
  27128 S
  35101 N

And here are the counts for non-final letters. Non-final sigma occurs
24585 times while non-final nu occurs 21333 times.

    943 Y
   1570 Z
   1907 X
   3483 B
   3860 F
   5124 C
  10661 Q
  11148 G
  12695 D
  15719 W
  18030 L
  19448 M
  21255 P
  21333 N
  21454 R
  21785 H
  22412 K
  24585 S
  29498 U
  40743 I
  50951 T
  60135 E
  62544 O
  66515 A

Anyone want to play GNT trivia? <chuckle>
Mike Sangrey
Landisburg, Pa.
                        "The first one last wins."
            "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth."

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