[b-greek] Re: present active participle in Hebr. 6:6

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (hholmyard@ont.com)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 19:41:03 EDT

Dear Paul,

You write:

>> In Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament, he
>> present active participles. Is that correct? What
>> does that mean in context of this verse? Does that
>> indicate the time of the action?

>No, it does not indicate the time of the action. These participles are
>probably causal and should be taken as indicating why it is impossible to
>renew them to repentance - because, if it were possible to renew them to
>repentance, then it would also include a crucifying to themselves the Son
>of God and a putting Him to open shame. But, it is impossible for Christ
>to be crucified again. Therefore, it is impossible to renew them to
>repentance. Clearcut logical implication recognized and spelled out by
>the author.

>This is explained (GAR) in verses 7-8. The one who has partaken of the
>spiritual blessings, but falls away is like the ground which receives the
>rain, but produces thorns and thistles. It is too late for that ground.
>It is close to being cursed and is eventually burned.
>Hence, the present tense participles of v. 6 probably indicates action
>simultaneous with the action of the main verb which would be the
>immediately preceding present infinitive ANAKAINIZEIN.

HH: I have never thought that these participles were causal in the sense
that you suggest, namely that repentance would include a crucifying to
themselves of the Son of God and their putting Him to open shame. Why would
repentance involve such things? Rather, it is the lack of repentance that
involves these things.

HH: Since ANAKAINIZEIN (Heb 6:6) is a transitive verb, and the object is
TOUS FWTISQENTAS (6:4), it is likely that the implied subject for the
infinitive ANAKAINIZEIN is somebody other than the TOUS FWTISQENTAS. The
passage may be saying that it is impossible for someone else to renew such
people to repentance, for they already know the truth. They are crucifying
(again) to themselves the Son of God by their rejection of him in full
knowledge. They are exposing Him to public ridicule by their denial of Him
subsequent to their confession of Him.

HH: The writer of Hebrews describes such people as though they were in the
condition described. Such people are like farmland that receives careful
care but produces only thistles and thorns. The end of such land, and such
people, is burning.

                                Harold Holmyard
                                Dallas, TX

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