[b-greek] Fw: Learning Greek

From: Ted Mann (theomann@earthlink.net)
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 15:55:39 EDT


As a self-taught student of NT Greek (who has a long way to go), I have
worked my way through several basic texts, and I very much prefer "Basics of
Biblical Greek," by William Mounce (Zondervan). It is, IMO, very well
organized, easy to understand, and part of a series of inter-related Greek
NT resources published by Zondervan. I know others on the list have their
preferences, but I suggest that you at least take a good look at Mounce
before making your final decision. As far as I know, all texts provide at
least some information on accents, breathing marks and punctuation, and it
is necessary for several reasons to learn about them, not the least of which
is that any Greek text you use for reading and study will include them
(unless you only deal with manuscripts,which is quite unlikely).
Personally, I don't see any particular value in learning to speak NT Greek,
although I think memorizing biblical passages in Greek is of value.
However, I would be interested in what other member of the list have to say
about this.



Dr. Theodore H. Mann
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Green" <rgreen@companet.net>
To: "Biblical Greek" <b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 3:44 AM
Subject: [b-greek] Learning Greek

> Hello,
> I have a strong interest in learning to read and write (and possibly
> speak, though that is personally less important) New Testament Greek. I
> am new to the list, and at the time I am writing this, the search engine
> for the archives is inoperable. As such, I'm hoping someone wouldn't mind
> directing me to some good study materials.
> It is my understanding that Biblical Greek was written without accents or
> breathing marks, punctuation or capitalization, and I would therefore find
> a tutorial that took this into account to be a tremendous help.
> My thanks in advance,
> - Ryan [Green: new list-members please take note: a FULL-name
> signature is required by list protocol to be appended to all messages
> sent to the list. Moderator]
> ---
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