[b-greek] But what about prepositions-genitive

From: Randall Buth (ButhFam@compuserve.com)
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 05:00:38 EDT

Message text written by "virgilsalvage1"
genitive case is a load carrying case, capable of carrying much more weight
and content than the accusative case. It only has to extend. Or the dative
case...it speaks of something being personified, representing if you will.
While the genitive case out of necessity of assigning "kind" must be
speaking of some "reality" that has occurred, or in the above presented
example....thought to and was persuaded as having occurred.<

Possibly exactly opposite the the above quote about the genitive,

the genitive case is LESS TRANSITIVE than the accusative, it carries

less weight and less content than the accusative.

When compared, the genitive is 'partial' to the accusative's 'whole'.

This is something of a linguistic univresal, cf. French: voulez-vous DU
DU cafe? (of the bread?, of the coffee? [not all of it that is present
or exists=accusative/direct object])
That is why the idiom 'from the fruit/s' in Lk 20.10//Mk 12.2
means "(some) of the fruit". (Which, incidently, may have been
influenced/encouraged from Hebrew here.)

For Luke's meaning at 9.7b, I suggest that you focus on the
verb and its idiomatic meaning with certain prepositions
and you'll be safe.

Randall Buth

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