[b-greek] Re: Phil 4:8

From: Dave Washburn (dwashbur@nyx.net)
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 20:00:23 EDT

> Greetings,
> In Phil 4:8 there is a six fold repetition of OSA, culminating in the
> two fold IE TIS.
> Having worked through BAGD, Louw & Nida, etc..., I am wondering at the
> legitimacy of translating these, "as many as are true, as many as are
> honorable, as many as are pure... Regard such as these!"
> It appears to be valid to see the referent of OSA to be virtuous people,
> instead of virtues thoughts, am I missing something? Are there ample
> precedents? Is the list of virtues assumed convention, ignoring the
> occasion of the letter, or is it better translation of the grammar?
Unless I'm sorely mistaken, OSA is a neuter plural, which would
suggest "things." If it referred to people, wouldn't it be OSOI?

Dave Washburn
"You just keep thinking, Butch. That's what you're good at."

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