[b-greek] Re: The long ending of Mark

From: Hector3001@aol.com
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 06:59:19 EDT

Heinz: Textual matters have probably been surfacing here (and elsewhere, like
B-Translation) due to the fact that the TC-List has been quiet for about 9
months with little or no activity. Perhaps someone knows of another list that
discusses textual criticism?

>>Again, textual critical matters are appropriate on b-greek when directed
 toward a specific text. I would recommend that you join the tc-list and
 journal at the following address.
 You should read also what Metzger says of this passage in "A Textual
 Commentary on the GNT." You should also read one or more of the more modern
 discussions of the history and introduction to TC. There is no doubt that
 ending appeared in the second century (Tatian, Diatessaron), but that does
 not prove the case either way. Also any good commentary on Mark will have
 detailed discussion of all three endings of Mark.
 This is a most important subject and should be on tc-list.
 Carlton Winbery
 Louisiana College >>

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