[b-greek] RE: GAR in Rom 5.7

From: Iver Larsen (iver_larsen@sil.org)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 04:57:50 EDT

> Hi again:
> Rom 5.7 contains two occurrences of GAR. Both are tagged as explanatory
> conjunctions in Accordance. Does the second instance simply introduce a
> clause parallel to the first clause introduced by GAR, or is there a
> distictive usage involved?
> --
> Steven Lo Vullo
> Madison, WI

GAR clauses are not parallel. The second clause further elaborates a word or
a topic from the previous clause. (There are 2-3 instances in the GNT where
the preceding clause is parenthetical, and in that case the GAR connects to
a word in the clause before the parenthesis).

Although the basic function of GAR is explanatory, this needs to be
understood in a sense wider than just logical. GAR introduces further
support for what has just been said and builds up background information.

In Rom 5:6-8 the first GAR in v. 6 picks up on the topic of "love of God"
from v. 5. V. 6 then says that this love of God is shown by Christ who was
willing to die for sinners/unrighteous people. The GAR in 7a then picks up
on the topic "dying for an unrighteous person" and says that in normal life
you wouldn't even expect a person to be willing to die for a righteous
person. The second GAR picks up on MOLIS (scarcely) and says that maybe one
would be willing to die for a specially good man. So, it is a further
comment on 7a. But both of these background comments set the scene for v. 8
that repeats and emphasizes that Christ did die for us unrighteous people,
and this truly demonstrated the character of Christ's love. It was by Christ
dying for unrighteous people that God demonstrated his love for us. This
kind of love is highlighted by the contrast to the highest form of human

Iver Larsen

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