[b-greek] Re: Gal. 4:13 hOTI DI'

From: Steven R. Lo Vullo (doulos@merr.com)
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 23:37:32 EST

on 11/11/01 9:50 PM, Wayne Leman at wayne_leman@sil.org wrote:

> The thematic idea, then, moving along in the context, would be along the
> lines of:
> "I had an infirmity when I first preached to you. But you didn't reject me
> because of that. On the contrary, you fully welcome me."
> If the causal sense is best supported by Greek syntax, then I'd like to know
> what it was about his infirmity that caused him to preached to these people
> the first time he was with them. I don't need to know what the actual
> infirmity was but how any infirmity would be a cause for his preaching to
> them the first time.

I think the above thematic idea still holds, since he did indeed have an
infirmity when he preached to them. But taking seriously DI' + accusative
(which I don't think the translations you sited do) gives us the additional
causal idea. As I mentioned before, I think we will never know *how* his
having an infirmity led to his preaching to them *in* his infirmity.

Steven Lo Vullo
Madison, WI

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